Thursday, 29 May 2014


Organising the shoots was incredibly difficult as so many people need to use the studios and equipment at this time of year. The initial plan was to shoot everything in the studio as we could make it completely dark to shoot the projection sections of the videos and have continuity for the rest of the shoot. A studio would have provided a flexible environment in which to work.

Unfortunately the studios were fully booked for the next 4 weeks so we had to find alternatives.

We managed to track down a small lecture theatre in Newton that we could make completely dark with white walls to shoot the projection elements of the shoot.

We also somehow managed to book out a green screen which will be a much better environment to shoot in as we are planning to do a lot of post production work on the shoot and it will give me the opportunity to experiment with new equipment and software.

It has all come together super quickly, both shoots are happening next week which doesn't leave nay time to do test shoots.

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