Monday 27 January 2014

Tim Walker Mulberry

The Flying Ballroom

The flying ballroom <-- Link to video 


Cinemagraphs are a really interesting way of creating an engagement with the images as there is more than one lever in which to engage. It would work really well with dance photography to encourage people to engage with the dance. 

Friday 24 January 2014



This is a really interesting piece of moving image, I would like to use techniques similar to this in my final piece using moving image, stop motion, still images and audio. 

I would like it to be as fast pace and swap abstract encouraging the viewer to stop and engage with what they are viewing. 

Camera Techniques

I have been looking at different ways to use the camera to enhance the images and their reflection of the dance and the ballroom.
I have been experimenting using cling film on the lens of the camera or behind the camera lens.

I covered the lens with cling film and experimented using both free lensing and just the  effect created with the cling film, used both a whole sheet and cut the middle out to enhances the depth of field.

I also used the cling film to cover the lens bracket and used it in a similar way to the above. 

Both these techniques worked really well creating a slightly dreamy feel and a glow that connoted memories.  I want to use this to my advantage and tap into a nostalgic feel to reinforce the connection of the space and the person therefore creating a connection and personal attachment to the images. 

Monday 13 January 2014

I really love the use of the colours in this images and the lovely warm tone that evoke emotions of happiness and. I feel these images through the abstract shapes blur connote the feelings and excitement of a ball. 

I experimented with light trails and long exposure, I wanted to capture the speed and excitement of the dance. 

The Prospects Room

It turned out the room that I originally thought was a ball room turned out to be the prospects room, it was a room built purely to display wealth, it was a house full of follies to create an experience and an elusion of grandeur.

Shoot 1 - Wollaton Hall - 11/1/14

Wollaton Hall

When shooting at Wollaton I want to use a similar photography technique to that of last term, free lensing. I want the images to reflect the movement of the ballroom dance creating a more rounded viewing experience.

Wollaton Hall Ballroom

I am going to visit wollaton Hall to photograph the ballroom and look at the use of space and decoration and the grandeure it suggests. I want to explore how the room creates an experience and massively influences the atmosphere. 

Nick Knight Isabella Blow Interview

Nick Knight Photographed at Doddington Hall as that was a place Isabelle Blow aspired to live and was a huge influence to her work and creativity. There is a beautiful symmetry used. 
Knight looked the ball room and how it was built and decorated to be inviting and exciting, connoting the fun and pleasure of dance. 

I wanted to explore the relationship between the room and the emotions it conjures and how it influences what occurs with in. I want to explore this in relation to the dancers and the event, the space they are in and the space and context my images are viewed in.  

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Chris Nash

These images were particularly influential to my work last time. I was drawn to the way the the image had a slight blur that reflected the movement of the dancer. It transformed it from a frozen moment to a trail of the dance and the time scale. I also like the use of the sequencing as it again shows time scale and movement making the work more engaging and dimensional.

Pierre Debusschere - Fade Into You

I found this video Fade Into You really interesting. The mixed media and the effects created are really interesting. I would like to use similar techniques to in my work to create an engaging video. although the subject of my video will have more of a sense of journey or travel.

Stills from the film:

Nick Knight - Isabella Blow:Fashion Galore

I went to see the Isabella Blow Fashion galore exhibition at somerset house and found the Nick Knight images really interesting. They had an an etherial feel similar to Ori Gershts Images, the soft blur created by a long shutter speed. Its a really interesting effect that again created another dynamic to the image encouraging the viewer to look longer to understand the image and furthr engagement. The technique is also similar to the free lensing technique I used in term 1.