Wednesday 8 January 2014

Term two//Initial thoughts

I would like to continue the work of last term, exploring further how people will respond and interact with my images. Changing my photography from purely visual and making it an experience to interact with the work on a personal level looking.
I want to explore moving image, sounds and the way in which the images will be displayed encouraging people to engage with the images and create an experience, this exploring the idea of the private moment. I would like people to have the option and variety when viewing my work to have the opportunity to engage in a personal way.

I am still unsure of the subject in which I want to photograph, I want to move away from the dance photography I explored last term and find a new subject matter of the images, I am interested in creating work that has a sense of journey.

To influence the engagement in the images I want to photograph in a way that reflects the subject. last term. photographing the dancer I used the technique of free lensing to mirror the dancer creating an empathy between the dancer and photographer that would translate to the viewer.

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