Sunday 27 April 2014

Eleanor Hardwoik Illustration Montage

Eleanor Hardwick has used photos, illustrations and textures to build these images. It is an exploration of time space and scale. The are very abstract but have key elements that can be related to leaving the view to use their imagination to build a story with in the margin they Eleanor Hardwick set. I would like to use a similar technique when making the videos,  creating clips that bring together many different elements that together build an emotive experience. 

Beyonce Grown Woman

This Beyonce video is one of the key influences of this project, The use of layering illustration and repetition are key things we plan to incorporate. I really love the fast pace of this film and the way the illustration keeps that speed and brings a lot, visually to the film. 
I am excited to experiment with lots of post production techniques like this when we are putting our videos together. 

Test shoot location 3

I am going to do a test shoot with a dance tomorrow in this location to foot some footage together so I can start experimenting with post production techniques. 

Work Experience

I went to London to assist Chris Nash on a shoot with ATMA dance company, working in a studio.

Dada, Hannah Hoch Photomontage

Hannah Hock was part of the Dada movement and worked a lot in montage, I wanted to explore her work and see how she used montage to create a statement, the way people would react to it and the way it caused a political stir. The montage clips I plan to make are not political statements but it is interesting to explore the way Hannah Hoch made her work emotive to apply to my own  work. 

Eleanor Hardwick

Eleanor Hardwick shot thees images using a projector we are aiming to achieve a similar effect but incorporating dance and movement. The projection is of a really great quality, in the past I have struggled to get such clarity. I will book out an OHP To ensure w get a good projection. 

Re Photographing Your self, shoot 2

I shot these images as a projection test to see how the technique would work out. I have previously made images using projection but I have always struggled balancing the light as the projector alone won't light the subject sufficiently but adding in lights changes the projection qualities and tones. I have found using an old over head projector throes out much brighter and clearer images, unfortunately I used the projector when I was at home so I will need to track one down in Nottingham. 

I didn't have access to dancer when experimenting with projection so to create more interesting images I explored the idea of Re Photographing yourself. All the imaged above a specific meaning, sentimental value or expression of self in. 

Chris Nash Titan

We are planning to shoot some footage of the dances with projection to highlight the theme of the video and enhance the movement. These images are a great example of the movement of dance in a still image along with the projected images and the new narrative that brings to the image. 


This is another example of layering and montage, the dancers body is a canvas for other images as well as an exploration on form, shape and movement. 

Show Studio, Hood By Air:Trans

Hood By Air:Trans <-- Link to video 

This video is not aesthetically what we are aiming to achieve but the way the movement is expressed through the hair is something we would like to incorporate in one of the videos. 

Chris Nash Montage work

Experimental Montage Portraits, shoot 1

I have shot these portraits and created montage effect with the clothe as an exploration of how it might work in a video and to get an idea of how it will turn out. I have tried to ensure each images has a strong individual identity to keep a theme with the video work I have been researching. 

Smith&Read: Kenzo

KENZO  <-- Link to video 

The plan is to explore different post production techniques for the videos so they all have a very strong identity but work together as a set. One of the avenues to explore is layering and montage and contrasting textures. 

Nowness: Mine All Mine

Mine all Mine  <-- Link to video 

Mine all Mine explore the immediacy of fashion online and how the clots you view on a screen become your own. The videos I will be making are being designed for ASOS an online clothing company, using the short films to sell the clothes and create a much more interesting experience for the viewer, inspiring them to buy the clothes. By creating more emotive rather than narrative videos will encourage the viewer to invasive who the clothes will make them feel when wearing them. 


NIKE <--Link to Video 

This Nike promo video uses dance to show the flexibility and durability of their new range, it is a great example of how dance is used in fashion advertising. Dance is the focus of this video, it is a video that is a pure dance. We would like to use dance with in the videos rather than it being footage of dancer.