Tuesday 15 October 2013

Snap Chat

What is Snap Chat? 
An app that send images between phones. the image is sent with a time limit so it can only be viewed for the pre determined time, this can range from 3 seconds to 10. 

People use it to send selfies and other images to other snap chat users, as the images last for a limited amount of time people aren't too picky about what they send as it is for such a short amount of time. 

I have saved the images by taking screen shots of the images, I have found saving these images a really interesting research process not only look into how people photograph them selves, how the present them selves to the camera and the person they are trying to portray in the image but looking at the array of images I have with varying content and the ownership of the images I now have. It was probably not considered when the photo was sent that images of them would end up on my blog and weather or not they would be happy about it. 

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