Thursday 21 November 2013

Shoot 6

This is the first studio shoot I have done for this body of work. I am really pleased with these images and how they have moved on from the previous shoot.
They have moved on from interesting images to much bette quality and higher standard images. 

I am really pleased with the result of there images as they have become much more interesting and dynamic images. 

I was unsure weather to shoot on black or white. these are are images shot on white 

I much preferred the stark contras of the black and white, it made the images a lot more punchy and dynamic. Although these are shot on a white background they have a much darker feel and there is a lot less contrast. 

I much prefere the purity of the black and white images as it contrasts well with the distortion of the image content. I feel it says more about the reality of a person and their natural beauty rather than presure they feel to be someone they are not and project a false "ideal" of them selves onto the world. 

Moving forward I want to re shoot the images at a much better standard. Although I shot these Images of a Nikon D200, I forgot to shoot in RAW and hadn't realised how difficult it is to shoot on black as it causes a lot of pixel banding. 

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