Thursday 13 February 2014

Strictly Come Dancing

I found this discussion about the camera work on Strictly Come Dancing and thought it would be useful to bear the comments in mind when making my own video. Obviously It is for a very different purpose but I don't want to create any barriers for the viewer, I want the experience to be as welcoming and immersive as possible. 


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  • Message 1. Posted by glynis lomax (U14229386) Sunday, 22nd November 2009permalink
    Please will the camerman not show us just the top half of the dancers as we can't see if their footwork is good or not and that is important when we come to vote surely!!
  • Message 2. Posted by sallyd29 (U14230047) Sunday, 22nd November 2009permalink
    You are so right, I am a new on this discussion thingy and that has been my beef since day one sort out the camera work, come on peole, we can change this if we all compain.
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  • Message 3. Posted by Sue (U14230389) Sunday, 22nd November 2009permalink
    I'm so pleased others agree about how unsatisfactory it is not to be able to see dancers feet. A good point about how we know who to vote for if we don't see the footwork. I suspect in the cameramans or directors world it is quite something to whizz about all over the studio and have the blokey running around with andycam or whatever its called BUT its not for you lot its for the viewers!
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  • Message 4. Posted by MonkeyBoyIDG (U13463680) Wednesday, 25th November 2009 permalink
    Hi Everyone,
    Welcome to the boards, unfortunately, you have started a conversation in the 'Are You New?' area, where people generally come to say hello.
    Why not try out some of the topic areas to the left of the page, including;
    The Fans' Spa (general show discussions) :
    Or Our Couples for 2009 (support for fav dancers):
    Best wishes,
    Strictly Host

    *@£"** cameraman AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

    This discussion has been closed.
    • Message 1. Posted by sadiesamba (U14140831) Saturday, 21st November 2009permalink
      So Ali trod on Brian's toe? - we'd never have known.

      Why do the camera persist in showing head and shoulders everytime the angle switches and add the feet as an afterthought?

      Yet again the dreadful camerawork ruined the dance for!

      DWTS may not be everyone's cup of tea but their camerwork is superb the professionals are dancing they're showing the feet TYPICAL!
    • Message 2. Posted by I Love Everybody - Obsessed (U14119445) Saturday, 21st November 2009 permalink
      Agree. Also, just me, or was the cameraperson during Natalie and Vincent's samba rather fixated on Vincent's butt?
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    • Message 3. Posted by discoboots (U14209038) Saturday, 21st November 2009permalink
      yes, as nice as Vincent's bum is, I would have preferred to see more of Natalie. Come on BBC, sort it out!
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    • Message 4. Posted by sadiesamba (U14140831) Saturday, 21st November 2009permalink
      Better angles on the professionals though ..........strange!
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    • Message 5. Posted by sadiesamba (U14140831) Wednesday, 2nd December 2009permalink
      Why do we get to see more freckles than fleckles?

      I'm so fed up with the camera work. Once again Karen Hardy mentioned crucial steps that the viewers were unable to see at home but the audience and judges did have the priviledge of seeing!

      We saw a few feet for the Charleston but still far too many waist upward shots. There was a lot of talk about swivling feet but precious little view of them!

      How much longer do we have to put up with these camera angles? Thank goodness steadycam's been given a rest.
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    • Message 6. Posted by sujusu (U14178093) Wednesday, 2nd December 2009permalink
      I know exactly what you mean! Simply because I'm no great shakes as a dancer, I like to watch their feet to see how they do. I found it exceptionally frustrating this week. I do wish the Beeb would react to some of these comments - after all, if you can't see the dancers' feet, what is the point?
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    • Message 7. Posted by Redcurrant (U1754354) Wednesday, 2nd December 2009permalink
      Yes if the only thing you believe all of the audience is interested in is the whole body etc.

      Many viewers are not interested in the footwork, don't know if the hold is good or bad, and cant count to four in time so the aspects of the dance that you may be interested in pass them by.

      They want to see glitz, smiles, big hair, shiny teeth, movement, excitement. They want to see the interaction between the individuals and the response of the audience, they want to hear the band and the atmosphere and feel they are there in the middle of the floor involved with the dance.

      If you want to see the whole body then campaign for an option to be available interactively through the Red Button.

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