Thursday 13 February 2014

UoN Latin and Ballroom

The University Of Nottingham Latin and Ballroom Society allowed me along to one of their practices to photograph the dancers. I saw this as an opportunity to get both moving image and stills of dancers.
I shot both a video of dancers and a time-lapse video of the dancers while I was shooting stills using freelancing techniques.

I realise after shooting I didn't take quite enough images with the technique of free lensing, I took a lot to begin with and then started taking photos that would be considered technically good as I was worried I would leave and regret taking so many soft images. I now know next time I need to shoot a lot more of them.

This shoot was an invaluable experience and gave me a lot more confidence for my next shoot and lots of new ideas.

It was a tricky environment to shoot in as they were all there to practice for their upcoming competition, the dancers would often stop to redo a section of the dance or go over a mistake making it difficult to get dynamic images of the dance. I also struggled as there were lots of couple dancing at the same time, while photographing one couple often another couple would dance straight through the shot.

I am looking forward to getting the dancers into a space where as photographer I have a lot more control of the situation enabling me to take much better images. These images are very rough and experimental, I would like to get to a point where my images can be beautiful stand alone prints.

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