Friday 30 May 2014

Link between online and paper

I am exploring the link between online and paper copies, in most magazine it will often mention in an article to look on an app for more information to direct you to the website to watch a video that goes along with the paper editorial. I am exploring this link in my project. I will produce a zine with some stills from the video and supporting information about each trend. I will also use the zine as a place to explain my influences and the process of making the film.

I plan to create a website which will have all 4 videos on and a link to the online version of the zine. I will make a QR cod which I will have in my zine so people can look at the images and have their own copy of the zine but have instant access to the videos on line.

Tim Walker shot an editorial for Vougle UK in Mongolia, he produced some incredibly beautiful images that made a really engaging editorial. It was accompanied by a video that could be viewed on the Vogue App

This is an example of the way photography media and fashion is going. I am really excited about exploring the link between the two in this project and it is been super beneficial as I feel I have acquired skills that will be really useful post uni.

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