Friday 21 March 2014

A Brief Summary of the Term and Key Influences

Initial Thought 

1st blog post: 
I would like to continue the work of last term, exploring further how people will respond and interact with my images. Changing my photography from purely visual and making it an experience to interact with the work on a personal level looking.

Last term,
*I shot images in the studio of the dancer using free lensing techniques 
*I created a stop motion video the create a platform in which to engage with the dance more than just visually 
*I used sound in conjunction with the video to further the interaction and engagement.
*I created flip book to make the experience more personal as it could only be viewed by one person at a time. 

This was the start of my exploration of creating an immersive experience. 

Key Inspirations 
Ori Gersht 
Nick Knight, Isabella Blow Images 
Chris Nash 
(View earlier blog posts)

Jenifer Kelly 
"There is a reciprocal interaction between behaviour and environmental responses. A persons behaviour can be influenced by an environment and behaviour can like wise shape an environment."
-Wollaton Hall 

How and why I shot 
*Free lensing 
*long exposures 
Both these techniques mired both the movement and speed of the dance, creating an empathy between the photographer and dancer to create further interaction. 

I initially set out to create a video but I struggled to get dancers involved and organising timing and locations was very difficult. Using Wollaton hall was great, it was such a beautiful space but I couldn't use the space for any more than 20mins at a time without having to rent it out at wedding costs which was well out of my budget. This didn't allow much time to fully explore new techniques. Besides all the technical issues I felt it was a perfect time to experiment with installation as it's exhibition term. I had begun to explore it at the end of last term but decided i should wait until exhibition term to really explore it properly so I decided to revert back to my initial plans. 

Immersive experience 
I now feel that creating an installation was far more immersive and engaging than a video could have been as there wouldn't  have been the opportunity to explore movement and the touch which are both emotively powerful. 

Key Inspirations 
-Yayoi Kassumi - seeing spots 
-Sam Taylor wood orchestra
-Jo longhurst A-Z of gymnastics 
-Rankin Alive in the face of death (View Earlier Blog Posts)

-not just linear 
-platform to engage 
-make the most of exhibition term 

according to the gadget show the most immersive experience is gaming simulators. I however feel i have left room for it to be very personal, the viewer can project what they want onto the dancer and take what they like from the images. Perhaps more immersive and freeing than a prescribed simulator environment. 

This is a good half way point in the project, not complete. I am happy with where It is at now and how and how I have arrived at this point. I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience, what I have learnt in the process. I am now in a much better place to push this further and explore moving image and other avenues to explore an immersive experience. 

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