Sunday 16 March 2014


Printing was something I had to really carefully consider as I am building a module for the images to be hanging form. When I made a test mobile I realised that the photography paper I printed on was far to dense and took way from the delicacy of the mobile and the scenes of movement s and fluidity.

I chose some very light artist handmade paper, it worked so well as it was very light and the hand made quality adds to the engagement for the viewer as it has a very personal feel.

I had a stubble working out how to print the images well onto the paper. I initially used a transfer techniques in which i covered the paper in white acrylic  paint and placed onto the hand made paper, once it had dried I used the smallest amount of water to rub off the top layer of paper leaving the image of the home mead paper underneath.

This technique worked well and I loved how personal it was but it took away the quality of the images leaving prints that i was 100% happy with.

I chose to use an inkjet printer to prig directly onto to the images, giving the images a much finer and clearer quality in conjunction with the long exposures and free lensing techniques.

I had also considered printing onto Acetate or teaching paper, to really enhance the fluidity but i realised as the mobile i was building was so delicate and spindley the images might feel a bit insignificant and lost amongst all the other work so i chose to use a paper of higher density.

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