Sunday 16 March 2014

Woolaton Hall

Wollaton Hall 

The Prospects room at wollaton hall is such a beautiful space, I really enjoyed shooting there. It was however a struggle organising to shoot there as they could never guarantee I could use the space until i turned up on the day, making it difficult organising dancers and equipment leading to many unsuccessful trips and having to shoot in just 20 minute slots. The  time I could spend there was  however invaluable as it was such a beautiful space and worked well in creating an environment for the dancer to engager with, becoming part of the dance and the experience. 

Having only 20 minute slots to shoot in was a struggle but made me think really carefully before shooting about what I was aiming to achieve in each shoot, and really focused me while I was there. It felt similar to shooting on film and only having 24 shots. I had to be very decisive as to what I was shooting and when I was happy with my images and moving on to the next shot. 

After my first shoot I realised I was going to have to initially shoot with the dancer and focus really technically on how I was going to use the camera and the techiniques I wanted to use to convey the dance and fine-tune it allowing me to then shoot focusing on the dancer, ensuring I captured the images when she was the the height of the jump and when her toes were pointed to ensure the dance images were not technically good from a photography point of view but also from a dance point of view. 

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