Sunday 16 March 2014

Camera Techniques and Equipment

Camera techniques 
I shot mainly using a technique called free lensing, It was where the lens is used independently of the camera creating images with a shallow depth of filed and distortion. The techniques worked really well to create images the are not 100 precent clear, the viewer will have to stop and look and come to an understanding of what the are viewing rather than it being instantly clear. It also meant that when I was shooting as a photographer I was mirroring the dancer and taking part in the experience of the dance, this method of photography creates empathy between the dancer and the viewer translating well to the viewer. 

I found long exposures worked really well to create images that were very engaging as they created a sense of time and a del sense of the speed and pace of the dance, creating another platform of engagement for the viewer. 

camera equipment 

I shot all the images on a 50mm lens as it works very well for the free lensing technique but it is also known for bing the lens the is most similar to how we see with the human eye, this worked really well as a point of engagement and interaction. 

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