Sunday 16 March 2014

Final space shoot

Final Space shoot 
The aim for this shoot was to photograph the space in a way to evoke feelings of dancing with in it. 
I wanted to have a variety of shots some more focused with more clarity in the subject so the viewer would have a key point of engagement  while other images were a lot more abstract, to connote the emotions of dance and the speed, movement and time frame. The variety in the way the images were shot also connotes both the freedom and joy in dance but also the skill and understanding. 

I wanted to shoot these images in a more abstract manner to encourage the viewer to stop and engage with the image, rather then having them clear and large in front of them in a style similar to that of Thomas Ruff where it is quick to engage and understand and just as fast to move on to other images. I want the viewer to really explore them and personally engage and interact. 

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