Sunday 16 March 2014

building the Installation

the process of building my mobile:

1. print two of each image and cut them out

2. use double sided sticky tape to attach invisible wire to the inside of on of the two prints.

3.Use spray mount and place both images together.

at this point I had all my image backed together with invisible wire coming from the centre ready be attached to wire.

4.Cut the wire to the length that is desired (I used white coated wire coat hangers)

5.Starting from the bottom arm of the installation decide which picture you would like on the arm and tie them on, when I was happy with the positions I superglued the nots.

6. Find the centre point of the wire and at that point attach the invisible sting, attaching the other end to the next arm of the installation.

7.Arrange the images around the string that is attached, glue them down when happy with their positions.

8. continue working up until happy with the height then attach to a top wire.

9. repeat all of the above working up and attach to the top wire crating a mobile the has many arms  that will work together.

Making this mobile was a very explorative method as I spent a lot of time working out how to build it and how to ensure all the images worked well together and were at heights that would lead the eye through the images.

I found finding the balance point of each arm was incredibly challenging as often it would line up and balance, then swing around throwing all the other images off balance. once they were all perfectly balanced it meant they could move freely in the breeze and they wouldn't trow the balance off. to get to this point was very difficult.

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