Friday 21 March 2014

Reflecting on my work

I have really enjoyed this term and the explorative process I have been on, looking into dance, Installation, creating an experience and a private moment has been incredibly interesting and I have learnt a lot from it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed building an installation for the exhibition to display my images and create a platform of further engagement for the viewer. It has been incredibly challenging and a huge amount of work, I was very pleased with the final result when I had finished but unfortunately it was not strong enough to deal with many people moving around it and touching it at the exhibition. I have learnt just how much work putting an installation is, along with producing such a vast amount of images and the time spent printing.
It was a shame it couldn't deal with so many people handling it and I should have worked out a way that would have been much more secure to hang my work. The intention was however to encourage peopler to interact and immerse them selves in the images, so I achieve what I set out to do.

If I was to create an installation again I would look into weather or not it would be better to have the images displayed against and wall, still hanging but with just the white wall behind to stop their being any distractions in the back ground.
I am pleased it wasn't against a wall this time round as it would have stopped people moving around it an engaging in the way they could this time round.

I am really pleased with my final images, the camera techniques worked really well to create engaging images and the location I shot in was beautiful with really wonderful light. I am however slightly disappointed as I feel I was so focused on creating images to build an experience and work together to create a journey that I wouldn't actually be able to pick just one image, I would like to have come out with images that would still look strong on theire own and out of context with the mobile and the other images. The images do however work very well together and create the experience I set out to do.

Some of the feedback I have has is that the images could have been larger in the mobile, I purposefully kept them small to ensure people would have to take the time to view them and intentionally engage, rather than having a sweeping view and getting an idea of what the work is. I will in the feature experiment with image size and weather the scale of the images would change the way people interact and engage with the work and weather or not it would change the way they personally view and experience the images.

I am very pleased with the finish of my work and feel I did achieve what I set out to do, I feel I have learnt so much this term both conceptually and technically as well as experiencing creating work specifically for an exhibition.

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